SPP partners with non-profits and acts as your Virtual Planned Giving Department. We provide you with comprehensive, flexible solutions that help you effectively market and implement creative gifts. Our staff will support you with technical, legal, design, marketing and multimedia resources so that you can see results in meeting your organization’s goals and increase your resources to not only survive, but to thrive.
We follow a proven process that is tailored to each organization’s situation and needs. Our 3-phase process leads you to a plan that achieves your development and advancement goals.
Strategic Stewardship That Lasts
Why Stewardship Planning Partners
Are you a medium to small-sized organization that does not have the funds for a Planned Giving department? Or, maybe you do have a development department but you do not have the budget, time, or personnel to commit to a full-time planned giving position.
Are your resources limited to hire staff to raise funds? Research shows that organizations that do not have the staff or marketing programs for planned gifts frequently have supporters who are willing to give but fail to close those gifts.
Many ministry partners do not know how to give efficiently and effectively, and no one is showing them how to give. For example, roughly 90% of the world’s wealth is in non-cash assets and yet over 90% of giving is done from cash.
Our mission at Stewardship Planning Partners (SPP) is to provide you with comprehensive, flexible solutions that help you effectively market and implement gifts. We help move people from just being supporters to being partners and friends of the ministry by educating you on how to develop deep and meaningful relationships with them.
SPP will empower you to turn inconsistent or non-existent messaging into well delivered effective messaging. We will educate you on how to communicate with your ministry partners about money, wealth, possessions, giving, and generosity. We will assist in developing targeted messages for your donor audience that align with your development goals. By partnering with us you can have peace of mind knowing our solution has a proven track record of results to help meet your organization’s goals and increase your gifts.
What is a Virtual Planned Giving Department
Stewardship Planning Partners will be your non-profit’s virtual planned giving department. We are a low-cost, easy-to-implement solution to your needs as a faith-based non-profit to raise funds for your mission. As your virtual planned giving department, our focus is to help deliver the importance of stewardship, generosity, and the joy of living generously.
Communicating your organization’s goals and mission will help develop passionate partners. SPP provides tools and resources to help engage your partners in the process of planned giving. We train ministry leaders on how to build relationships with your supporters to move them to passionate partners, and we work directly with your partners to develop a Strategic Stewardship Plan that will maximize their Kingdom impact.
Training and Education for Non-profit Leaders
Most leaders of faith-based non-profits have had little to no training on how to communicate and engage their ministry partners in the conversation of planned giving. SPP focuses on this core challenge by equipping leaders with the necessary information to build their confidence and the competence in charitable gift planning that will help them initiate planned giving conversations that lead to a completed gift.
While we don’t need to make leaders experts in planned giving tools and techniques, having a general awareness and being able to recognize when a situation warrants additional follow-up can be critical to your organization’s success. SPP will train you on the basics of planned giving and charitable giving strategies. In addition, many leaders do not have a comprehensive perspective on what the scriptures teach about money, wealth, possessions, giving, and generosity.
SPP does comprehensive and complete training on the biblical basis for engaging with ministry partners. We challenge leaders to explore their God-given talents and take the lead in showing their ministry partners how to preserve, protect and pass on their values, purpose, and impact. An organization leader can be a change agent that empowers and inspires people to build a legacy.
How to talk about Giving
Non-profit communications are often driven by fundraising appeals, events marketing, and other “help us now” messaging. But without content that truly engages your supporters’ hearts and minds – that which taps into their values and their own wants and needs – you risk boring them, alienating them, or losing them altogether.
SPP will show you techniques for engagement that attracts, inspires, excites, and serves your supporters, strengthening their bonds with your organization. Understanding people of high capacity and what motivates them is critical to developing a healthy long-term relationship with them. When talking about giving it’s important to remember people of wealth have needs just like us. Some are similar to ours, but they also have some unique challenges that we don’t have.
SPP will bring awareness to many of those unique challenges and how certain giving options can bring value to your ministry friends. We will act as a consultant to help them make the largest gift possible that will be beneficial to both you and them. By partnering with us you can obtain help without forfeiting your very important personal relationships with your ministry friends.
Planned Giving Partner
So the question becomes, do you want supporters, people who simply give, or ministry partners, people who give to take part in an undertaking? SPP helps you move a supporter to Strategic Stewardship, which is critical in making them a partner. Supporters have a basis for becoming ministry partners if they are able to agree on a purpose, task, project, or a desired outcome that meets their interests and can be achieved better, faster, or more efficiently if they united their
efforts with yours.
Stewardship Planning Partners will help you accomplish this, resulting in new all-time-high planned giving levels. The power of the Master Strategic Stewardship Plan will generate multiples of your partners’ giving. We help you understand the difference between Transactional Giving versus Strategic Stewardship, which is the important first step in becoming a ministry partner. We will show you how to introduce a ministry partner to the Strategic Stewardship process and how growing engagement through involvement with your ministry partners can foster a positive giving experience.
Better Giving Strategies
While strategic face-to-face visits are essential to increasing planned gifts and continuing success, SPP helps open the doors to these conversations. We turn “transactional giving” into “strategic stewardship.” When you partner with SPP, we will tackle the most complex and creative solutions for charitable giving available today. All strategies implemented are driven by the ministry partner’s objectives. All objectives can be met through charitable giving:
- Increase charitable gifts
- Reduce income, capital gains, and estate taxation
- Increase transfer of wealth to future generations
- Increase current income to the donor and family
Late-breaking news and its impact on planned giving are also examined in every case. Stewardship Planning Partners will provide you with tools such as calculators that allow your donors/ministry to see how a gift will look in their estate plan and flowcharts, which for many has been the starting point of donors who wanted to turn their ordinary estate into an extraordinarily legacy and more.
Effective Marketing
Are you marketing planned gifts in all of the right places? How do your ministry friends like to receive information from you? Multichannel marketing is the best way to optimize your planned gifts marketing, thereby closing more gifts. When marketing the idea of Strategic Stewardship, it is essential to have multiple ways to connect with prospective ministry friends and share the information needed to advance the conversation.
SPP’s guidance will empower you with great resources; website, social media posts, e-brochures, presentations, educational webinars, engagement trackers, and more! By using effective marketing, you will better identify prospective ministry friends and build stronger, longer lasting relationships with them.
Work with us and walk away with fresh ideas, resources, tools to engage supporters, and the ability to create a culture where you and your ministry partners can experience the joy of living generously.
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