A Wellspring of Stewardship
By early March, many of us are either enjoying spring break or looking forward to it with great excitement and anticipation.
Particularly for those of us in the northern part of the country, the harsh winter, short days, early sunsets, and late sunrises make us feel at least some symptoms of what’s known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This leaves us feeling depressed. Which is why we look forward to spring so much—and, if we are blessed with the opportunity, to a getaway to someplace warm and sunny.
The Joyful Spring of Stewardship
Stewardship is like spring in our lives. By being faithful in managing all of God’s blessings, we experience true joy and peace. The joy of living generously is like sunshine to our souls.
In fact, it’s hard to be giving and generous and still be depressed. One of the best ways that mental health professionals treat mental health problems is to have the patient practice acts of kindness to others. By giving and living generously, we make it harder to feel depressed or sorry for ourselves.
In 1 Timothy 6:19, Paul instructs Timothy to teach his followers to be generous so that they may “lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age” and “take hold of the life that is truly life.” What an amazing truth: it is by being generous that we experience all the best, here and in eternity. How could we not jump at this kind of opportunity?
Make Your Own Spring
If you are struggling with the winter season and ready for a break, make your own spring. Some ideas:
- Make an anonymous gift to someone in need.
- Practice a random act of kindness toward someone who is struggling.
- Contact a local ministry that serves the disadvantaged, and offer to give your time or talent to help others.
May God bless you as we look forward to a season of fresh new blessings, giving and serving for His glory.